1. Dr. Richard Allen Wright
    Abilene Christian University
    Graduate School of Theology
    Onstead-Packer Biblical Studies Building (BSB) 321
    (325) 674-3708


  1. PhD, Brown University, 1994.
    Major: Religious Studies
    Dissertation Title: “Christians, Epicureans, and the Critique of Greco-Roman Religion.”
  2. MTS, Southern Methodist University, 1988.
    Major: Theology
  3. MA, Abilene Christian University, 1986.
    Dissertation Title: "A Study of Three Fourth Century Christian Writers’ Reaction to Pagan Education"
  4. BA, Oberlin College, 1984.
    Major: Religion
  5. BM, Oberlin College, 1984.
    Major: Performance


  • Book

    1. Wright, R. A. (Ed.). (2022). A Reader in Biblical Greek (R. A. Wright, Ed.). Eerdmans.
    2. Wright, R. A., & Thompson, J. W. (Eds.). (2019). Ethics in Contexts: Essays in Honor of Wendell Lee Willis (R. A. Wright & J. W. Thompson, Eds.; p. 248). Pickwick Publications.
  • Book Chapter

    1. Wright, R. A. (2023). "Crisis Management and Boundary Maintenance: Gentile Followers of Jesus, Multiple Identities, and Sacrificial Practices in Corinth.". In The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (Vol. Novum Testamentum Supplements 189, pp. 42–57). Brill.
    2. Wright, R. A. (2022). “'Out with the Christians, . . . Out with the Epicureans!' Atheism and Constructing the Other in Antiquity.". In Gods, Spirits, and Worship in the Greco-Roman and Early Christian World (pp. 201–216). Bloomsbury Publishing.
    3. Wright, R. A. (2019). Reconsidering Assets: Paul and Galen on a life worth living. In Ethics in Contexts: Essays in Honor of Wendell Lee Willis (pp. 226–238). Pickwick Publications.
    4. Wright, R. A. (2017). “The Care and Preservation of Books in the Roman Empire: the Evidence from Galen's De indolentia.” In Reading for Faith and Learning: Essays on Scripture, Community, & Libraries in Honor of M. Patrick Graham.. ACU Press.
    5. Wright, R. A. (2015). “Flesh.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Theology. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acref:obso/9780199858699.001.0001
    6. Wright, R. A. (2014). “Possessions, Distress, and the Problem of Emotions: De Indolentia and the Gospel of Luke in Juxtaposition.” In Galen’s De Indolentia: Selected Essays (pp. 251–273). Mohr Siebeck.
    7. Wright, R. A. (2013). “The Sounds of Silence: Hearing the Music in Pauline Assemblies.” In The One Who Sows Bountifully: Essays in Honor of Stanley K. Stowers (pp. 341–350). Brown Judaic Studies.
    8. Wright, R. A. (2009). “Greco-Roman Backgrounds to the New Testament.” In The Transforming Word (pp. 41–54). ACU Press.
    9. Wright, R. A. (2007). “Plutarch on Moral Progress.” In Passions and Progress in Greco-Roman Thought (pp. 136–150). Routledge.
  • Book Review

    1. Wright, R. A. (2019). Review of Capes, David B. The Divine Christ: Paul, the Lord Jesus, and the Scriptures of Israel. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018. Theology Today, 76(3), 275–277.
    2. Wright, R. A. (2018). Review of Goodacre, Mark. Thomas and the Gospels: The Case for Thomas’s Familiarity with the Synoptics. Grand Rapids: Eerdman’s, 2012. Restoration Quarterly, 60(3), 188–189.
    3. Wright, R. A. (2014). Review of Thompson, James. Moral Formation According to Paul: The Context and Coherence of Pauline Ethics. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 76(1), 155–156.
    4. Wright, R. A. (2011). Review of Hays, Richard B. et. al., eds. Reading the Bible Intertextually. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2009. Stone-Campbell Journal, 14(1), 107–109.
    5. Wright, R. A. (2007). Review of Lee, Michelle V. Paul, the Stoics, and the Body of Christ. SNTS Monograph Series, 137. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Review of Biblical Literature. Published.
    6. Wright, R. A. (1999). Review of Wilson, Walter T. The Hope of Glory: Education and Exhortation in the Epistle to the Colossians. Brill Academic, 1997. Religious Studies Review, 25, 426.
    7. Wright, R. A. (1998). Review of Court, John M. Reading the New Testament. Routledge, 1997. Religious Studies Review, 24, 419.
    8. Wright, R. A. (1998). Review of Winter, Bruce W. Seek the Welfare of the City: Christians as Benefactors and Citizens. Eerdmans, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 24, 418.
    9. Wright, R. A. (1997). Review of Beckwith, Roger T. and Martin J. Selman. Sacrifice in the Bible. Baker, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 23, 412.
    10. Wright, R. A. (1996). Review of Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Scripture, the Soul of Theology. Paulist Press, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 22, 169.
    11. Wright, R. A. (1996). Review of Goulder, Michael. St. Paul versus St. Peter: A Tale of Two Missions. Westminster John Knox, 1995. Religious Studies Review, 22, 70.
    12. Wright, R. A. (1995). Review of Klauck, Hans-Josef, ed. Weltgericht und Weltvollendung: Zukunftsbilder im Neuen Testament. Herder, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 21, 332.
  • Journal Article

    1. Wright, R. A. (2019). Sacrifice and the Construction of Gendered Roles in Corinth. Published. https://www.pointofviewpublishing.com/product-page/sacrifice-and-the-construction-of-gender-roles-in-corinth-richard-a-wright
    2. Wright, R. A. (2017). “Drinking, Teaching, and Singing: Ephesians 5:18-19 and the Challenges of Moral Instruction at Greco-Roman Banquets”. 47(3-4), 85–104. https://www.lextheo.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Drinking-Teaching-and-Singing-Ephesians-5-18-19-and-the-Challenges-of-Moral-Instruction-at-Greco-Roman-Banquets.pdf


  1. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Renewing One’s Mind: Scholarship in Service of the Church," Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, CA. (November 25, 2024).
  2. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Stone-Campbell Journal SBL Reception: A Conversation on First Corinthians," Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, CA. (November 22, 2024).
  3. Wright, R. A., Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, "'It is Good for a Man Not to Touch a Woman': Social Organization as Cultural Critique in Corinth," Southwest Society of Biblical Studies, Irving, TX. (March 5, 2023).
  4. Wright, R. A., Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, "Joint Plenary with AAR-SW and SSBS: Hopeful Futures and the Future of SWCRS—A Cross-Disciplinary Community Conversation.," Southwest Society of Biblical Scholars, Irving, TX. (March 4, 2023).
  5. Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "Review of Laura Nasrallah, Archaeology and the Letters of Paul (Oxford, 2019).," Lipscomb Christian University, Nashville, TN. (June 2022).
  6. Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Negotiating Change: Praying and Prophesying in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16," Society of Biblical Literature, Rome, Italy. (July 2019).
  7. Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "Philodemus' On Household Management," Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX. (June 2019).
  8. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "'Out with the Christians, . . . Out with the Epicureans!' Atheism and Constructing the Other in Antiquity," Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, CO. (November 2018).
  9. Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "‘It is Good for a Man Not to Touch a Woman’: Sacrifice and Sex in Corinth," Society of Biblical Literature, Berlin, Germany. (August 2017).
  10. Wright, R. A., Regional Meeting, SBL, "Food Will Not Bring Us Close to God”: Paul and Epicurus on Practicing Piety," Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, Arlington, TX. (March 11, 2017).
  11. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Drinking, Teaching, and Singing: Ephesians 5:18-19 and the Challenges of Moral Instruction at Greco-Roman Banquets," Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio. (November 2016).
  12. Wright, R. A., Second Century Seminar, "Sacrifice and Roman Antipathy Towards Christians in the Second Century," Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, Waco, Tx. (October 29, 2015).
  13. Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Reconsidering Assets: Another Look at the Function of the Christ Hymn in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians," Society of Biblical Literature, St. Andrews, Scotland. (July 2013).
  14. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Filled with the Spirit: Singing and Moral Formation in Ephesians 5:18-19," Society of Biblical Literature, San Francisco, CA. (November 2011).
  15. Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Food Will Not Bring Us Close to God: Idol Meat and Moral Instruction in Corinth," Society of Biblical Literature, London, England. (July 2011).
  16. Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "’On the Avoidance of Distress’ and the New Testament," Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. (June 2011).
  17. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Paul on Praying and Prophesying: Sacrifice and the Ritual Construction of Gendered Roles in Corinth," Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, GA. (November 2010).
  18. Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Sounds of Silence: Hearing the Music of Pauline Assemblies," Society of Biblical Literature, Rome, Italy. (July 2009).
  19. Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "Music in the New Testament," Lipscomb University, Nashville, TN. (June 2008).
  20. Wright, R. A., New Testament Colloquium, "We Piped But You Did Not Dance: Musical Topography in the New Testament World," Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. (November 2005).
  21. Wright, R. A., Annual Meeting, ATLA, "Bringing Technology into the Classroom," American Theological Library Association, Portland, OR. (June 2003).
  22. Wright, R. A., Regional Meeting, CATLA, "The Place of Digitization in the Library," Chicago Area Theological Library Association, Berien Springs, MI. (April 2003).
  23. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Electronic Publishing and the Academy: Goals, Problems, Challenges," Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto, Canada. (November 2002).
  24. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Translation of Cornutus’ Introduction to the Traditions of Greek Theology," Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto, Canada. (November 2002).
  25. Wright, R. A., Graham, M. P., Annual Meeting, ATLA, "Creation of a Digital Art Archive," American Theological Library Association, St. Paul, MN. (June 2002).
  26. Wright, R. A., Annual Meeting, ATLA, "Redesigning Library Orientation," American Theological Library Association, Durham, NC. (June 2001).
  27. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Ideas of Moral Progression and Regression among Greco-Roman Philosophers," Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, PA. (November 1995).
  28. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Translation of Philodemus’ On Frank Speech," Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, PA. (November 1995).
  29. Wright, R. A., Tri-Regional Meeting, SBL, "Paul and the Corinthian Women: Sacrifice and the Construction of Gender in Antiquity," Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, MA. (April 1995).
  30. Wright, R. A., Mid-Atlanta Regional Meeting, SBL, "Paul and Greco-Roman Sacrifice," Society of Biblical Literature, New York, NY. (March 1994).
  31. Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Translation of Philodemus’ On Frank Speech," Society of Biblical Literature, Washington, DC. (November 1993).
  32. Wright, R. A., Annual Meeting, NAPS, "The Christian Critique of Greco-Roman Sacrifice," North American Patristic Society, Chicago, IL. (June 1993).
  33. Wright, R. A., Early Christianity and Greco-Roman World Colloquium, "The Issue of Sacrifice in Pliny's Encounter with Christians," Yale University, New Haven, CT. (March 1993).
  34. Wright, R. A., Syriac Studies Symposium, "The Odes of Solomon and the Man from Heaven: A Comparison of the Imagery of Two Communities," Providence, RI. (June 1991).


  • College

    1. Committee Chair, Academic MA Committee. (September 2019 - Present).
    2. Committee Member, Adjunct Committee. (September 2017 - Present).
    3. Committee Member, CBS Academic Council. (September 2016 - May 2019).
    4. Committee Member, GST 5 year strategic planning committee. (September 2016 - May 2019).
    5. Committee Chair, Writing Assessment for GST Admissions committee. (September 2016 - May 2017).
  • University

    1. Faculty Mentor, Civic Orchestra of Abilene. (August 2015 - Present).


  1. Editor, Journal Editor, Restoration Quarterly, Abilene, TX. (January 1, 2025 - Present).
  2. Committee Chair, Christian Scholars Conference. (2016 - Present).
  3. Board of Directors of a Company, Restoration Quarterly. (2015 - Present).
  4. Executive Director, Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, Irving, TX. (March 2023 - March 2026).
  5. Editor, Associate Editor, Restoration Quarterly. (September 1, 2016 - December 31, 2024).
  6. Officer, President/Elect/Past, Southwest Society of Biblical Studies. (March 1, 2023 - March 7, 2024).
  7. Officer, President/Elect/Past, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2022 - March 7, 2023).
  8. Officer, President/Elect/Past, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2021 - March 7, 2022).
  9. Program Organizer, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2020 - March 7, 2022).
  10. Officer, Vice President, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2020 - March 7, 2021).
  11. Program Organizer, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2013 - March 7, 2016).
  12. Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Christian Scholarship Foundation. (February 4, 2016 - February 24, 2016).
  13. Committee Member, Society of Biblical Literature: Hellenistic Moral Philosophy and Early Christianity Steering Committee. (November 2006 - October 2011).


  1. Elder, Minter Lane Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (January 2020 - Present).
  2. Guest Speaker, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (January 18, 2023).
  3. Guest Speaker, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (July 13, 2016 - July 20, 2016).
  4. Guest Speaker, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (October 28, 2015 - November 11, 2015).
  5. Guest Speaker, Oklahoma Christian University, Lectureship, Oklahoma City, OK. (October 2013).
  6. Guest Speaker, Pepperdine University, Bible Lectureship, Malibu, CA. (May 2009).


  • Spring 2025

    1. BIBL 640 - ST: NT Ecclesiologies
    2. BIBL 640 - ST:Witness of Scripture II
    3. BIBL 640 - ST:Witness of Scripture II
    4. BIBL 661 - The Corinthian Letters
    5. BIBL 661 - The Corinthian Letters
    6. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Fall 2024

    1. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    2. BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
    3. BIBL 640 - ST:Witness of Scripture I
    4. BIBL 640 - ST:Witness to Scripture I
    5. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Summer 2024

    1. BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
  • Spring 2024

    1. BIBL 627 - Biblical Exegesis
    2. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    3. BGRK 600 - IND: Translating Mark
    4. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    5. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Fall 2023

    1. BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
    2. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    3. BIBL 621 - New Testament Theology
    4. BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
    5. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Spring 2023

    1. BIBL 627 - Biblical Exegesis
    2. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    3. BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
    4. BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
    5. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    6. BIBL 640 - ST:NT Ecclesiologies
  • Fall 2022

    1. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
  • Summer 2022

    1. BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
  • Spring 2022

    1. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    2. BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
    3. BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
    4. BGRK 442 - Exegetical Greek Seminar II
    5. BLAT 621 - Intermed. Ecclesiastical Latin
  • Fall 2021

    1. BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
    2. BLAT 611 - Elem Ecclesiastical Latin
    3. BGRK 441 - Exegetical Greek Seminar I
    4. BIBL 600 - IND: Minor Characters of NT
  • Spring 2021

    1. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    2. BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
    3. BIBL 640 - ST: NT Ecclesiologies
    4. BIBL 461 - The Corinthian Letters
    5. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Fall 2020

    1. BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
    2. BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
    3. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Summer 2020

    1. BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
  • Spring 2020

    1. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    2. BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
    3. BIBL 461 - The Corinthian Letters
    4. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Fall 2019

    1. BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
    2. BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
    3. BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
    4. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Spring 2019

    1. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    2. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    3. BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
    4. BGRK 600 - IND: Torah in Hebrews/Christ.
    5. BIBD 600 - IND:Ecclesiastical Latin II
    6. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Fall 2018

    1. BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
    2. BIBD 600 - G.S.:Ecclesiastical Latin
    3. BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
    4. BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
    5. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Spring 2018

    1. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    2. BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
    3. BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
    4. BIBD 640 - ST:Intermediate Latin
    5. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Fall 2017

    1. BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
    2. BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
    3. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    4. BIBM 699 - Master's Thesis
    5. BIBD 640 - Sp. Top:Ecclesiastical Latin
  • Spring 2017

    1. BIBL 627 - Biblical Exegesis
    2. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    3. BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
    4. BGRK 625 - Exeg Sem in the Epist:1Corinth
    5. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    6. BIBM 699 - Master's Thesis
  • Fall 2016

    1. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    2. BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
    3. BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
    4. BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
  • Spring 2016

    1. BIBL 620 - Adv Intro to the New Testament
    2. BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
    3. BGRK 625 - Ex Sem in Epist:Thess & Philip
    4. BIBD 640 - Sp. Top: Ecclesistical Latin
  • Fall 2015

    1. BIBL 630 - Biblical Theology
    2. BIBL 630 - Biblical Theology
    3. BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians