- Dr. Richard Allen Wright
Abilene Christian University
Graduate School of Theology
Onstead-Packer Biblical Studies Building (BSB) 321
(325) 674-3708
- PhD, Brown University, 1994.
Major: Religious Studies
Dissertation Title: “Christians, Epicureans, and the Critique of Greco-Roman Religion.” - MTS, Southern Methodist University, 1988.
Major: Theology - MA, Abilene Christian University, 1986.
Dissertation Title: "A Study of Three Fourth Century Christian Writers’ Reaction to Pagan Education" - BA, Oberlin College, 1984.
Major: Religion - BM, Oberlin College, 1984.
Major: Performance
- Wright, R. A. (Ed.). (2022). A Reader in Biblical Greek (R. A. Wright, Ed.). Eerdmans.
- Wright, R. A., & Thompson, J. W. (Eds.). (2019). Ethics in Contexts: Essays in Honor of Wendell Lee Willis (R. A. Wright & J. W. Thompson, Eds.; p. 248). Pickwick Publications.
Book Chapter
- Wright, R. A. (2023). "Crisis Management and Boundary Maintenance: Gentile Followers of Jesus, Multiple Identities, and Sacrificial Practices in Corinth.". In The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (Vol. Novum Testamentum Supplements 189, pp. 42–57). Brill.
- Wright, R. A. (2022). “'Out with the Christians, . . . Out with the Epicureans!' Atheism and Constructing the Other in Antiquity.". In Gods, Spirits, and Worship in the Greco-Roman and Early Christian World (pp. 201–216). Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Wright, R. A. (2019). Reconsidering Assets: Paul and Galen on a life worth living. In Ethics in Contexts: Essays in Honor of Wendell Lee Willis (pp. 226–238). Pickwick Publications.
- Wright, R. A. (2017). “The Care and Preservation of Books in the Roman Empire: the Evidence from Galen's De indolentia.” In Reading for Faith and Learning: Essays on Scripture, Community, & Libraries in Honor of M. Patrick Graham.. ACU Press.
- Wright, R. A. (2015). “Flesh.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Theology. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acref:obso/9780199858699.001.0001
- Wright, R. A. (2014). “Possessions, Distress, and the Problem of Emotions: De Indolentia and the Gospel of Luke in Juxtaposition.” In Galen’s De Indolentia: Selected Essays (pp. 251–273). Mohr Siebeck.
- Wright, R. A. (2013). “The Sounds of Silence: Hearing the Music in Pauline Assemblies.” In The One Who Sows Bountifully: Essays in Honor of Stanley K. Stowers (pp. 341–350). Brown Judaic Studies.
- Wright, R. A. (2009). “Greco-Roman Backgrounds to the New Testament.” In The Transforming Word (pp. 41–54). ACU Press.
- Wright, R. A. (2007). “Plutarch on Moral Progress.” In Passions and Progress in Greco-Roman Thought (pp. 136–150). Routledge.
Book Review
- Wright, R. A. (2019). Review of Capes, David B. The Divine Christ: Paul, the Lord Jesus, and the Scriptures of Israel. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018. Theology Today, 76(3), 275–277.
- Wright, R. A. (2018). Review of Goodacre, Mark. Thomas and the Gospels: The Case for Thomas’s Familiarity with the Synoptics. Grand Rapids: Eerdman’s, 2012. Restoration Quarterly, 60(3), 188–189.
- Wright, R. A. (2014). Review of Thompson, James. Moral Formation According to Paul: The Context and Coherence of Pauline Ethics. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 76(1), 155–156.
- Wright, R. A. (2011). Review of Hays, Richard B. et. al., eds. Reading the Bible Intertextually. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2009. Stone-Campbell Journal, 14(1), 107–109.
- Wright, R. A. (2007). Review of Lee, Michelle V. Paul, the Stoics, and the Body of Christ. SNTS Monograph Series, 137. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Review of Biblical Literature. Published.
- Wright, R. A. (1999). Review of Wilson, Walter T. The Hope of Glory: Education and Exhortation in the Epistle to the Colossians. Brill Academic, 1997. Religious Studies Review, 25, 426.
- Wright, R. A. (1998). Review of Court, John M. Reading the New Testament. Routledge, 1997. Religious Studies Review, 24, 419.
- Wright, R. A. (1998). Review of Winter, Bruce W. Seek the Welfare of the City: Christians as Benefactors and Citizens. Eerdmans, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 24, 418.
- Wright, R. A. (1997). Review of Beckwith, Roger T. and Martin J. Selman. Sacrifice in the Bible. Baker, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 23, 412.
- Wright, R. A. (1996). Review of Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Scripture, the Soul of Theology. Paulist Press, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 22, 169.
- Wright, R. A. (1996). Review of Goulder, Michael. St. Paul versus St. Peter: A Tale of Two Missions. Westminster John Knox, 1995. Religious Studies Review, 22, 70.
- Wright, R. A. (1995). Review of Klauck, Hans-Josef, ed. Weltgericht und Weltvollendung: Zukunftsbilder im Neuen Testament. Herder, 1994. Religious Studies Review, 21, 332.
Journal Article
- Wright, R. A. (2019). Sacrifice and the Construction of Gendered Roles in Corinth. Published. https://www.pointofviewpublishing.com/product-page/sacrifice-and-the-construction-of-gender-roles-in-corinth-richard-a-wright
- Wright, R. A. (2017). “Drinking, Teaching, and Singing: Ephesians 5:18-19 and the Challenges of Moral Instruction at Greco-Roman Banquets”. 47(3-4), 85–104. https://www.lextheo.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Drinking-Teaching-and-Singing-Ephesians-5-18-19-and-the-Challenges-of-Moral-Instruction-at-Greco-Roman-Banquets.pdf
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Renewing One’s Mind: Scholarship in Service of the Church," Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, CA. (November 25, 2024).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Stone-Campbell Journal SBL Reception: A Conversation on First Corinthians," Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, CA. (November 22, 2024).
- Wright, R. A., Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, "'It is Good for a Man Not to Touch a Woman': Social Organization as Cultural Critique in Corinth," Southwest Society of Biblical Studies, Irving, TX. (March 5, 2023).
- Wright, R. A., Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, "Joint Plenary with AAR-SW and SSBS: Hopeful Futures and the Future of SWCRS—A Cross-Disciplinary Community Conversation.," Southwest Society of Biblical Scholars, Irving, TX. (March 4, 2023).
- Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "Review of Laura Nasrallah, Archaeology and the Letters of Paul (Oxford, 2019).," Lipscomb Christian University, Nashville, TN. (June 2022).
- Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Negotiating Change: Praying and Prophesying in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16," Society of Biblical Literature, Rome, Italy. (July 2019).
- Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "Philodemus' On Household Management," Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX. (June 2019).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "'Out with the Christians, . . . Out with the Epicureans!' Atheism and Constructing the Other in Antiquity," Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, CO. (November 2018).
- Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "‘It is Good for a Man Not to Touch a Woman’: Sacrifice and Sex in Corinth," Society of Biblical Literature, Berlin, Germany. (August 2017).
- Wright, R. A., Regional Meeting, SBL, "Food Will Not Bring Us Close to God”: Paul and Epicurus on Practicing Piety," Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, Arlington, TX. (March 11, 2017).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Drinking, Teaching, and Singing: Ephesians 5:18-19 and the Challenges of Moral Instruction at Greco-Roman Banquets," Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio. (November 2016).
- Wright, R. A., Second Century Seminar, "Sacrifice and Roman Antipathy Towards Christians in the Second Century," Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, Waco, Tx. (October 29, 2015).
- Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Reconsidering Assets: Another Look at the Function of the Christ Hymn in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians," Society of Biblical Literature, St. Andrews, Scotland. (July 2013).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Filled with the Spirit: Singing and Moral Formation in Ephesians 5:18-19," Society of Biblical Literature, San Francisco, CA. (November 2011).
- Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Food Will Not Bring Us Close to God: Idol Meat and Moral Instruction in Corinth," Society of Biblical Literature, London, England. (July 2011).
- Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "’On the Avoidance of Distress’ and the New Testament," Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. (June 2011).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Paul on Praying and Prophesying: Sacrifice and the Ritual Construction of Gendered Roles in Corinth," Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, GA. (November 2010).
- Wright, R. A., International Meeting, SBL, "Sounds of Silence: Hearing the Music of Pauline Assemblies," Society of Biblical Literature, Rome, Italy. (July 2009).
- Wright, R. A., Christian Scholars Conference, "Music in the New Testament," Lipscomb University, Nashville, TN. (June 2008).
- Wright, R. A., New Testament Colloquium, "We Piped But You Did Not Dance: Musical Topography in the New Testament World," Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. (November 2005).
- Wright, R. A., Annual Meeting, ATLA, "Bringing Technology into the Classroom," American Theological Library Association, Portland, OR. (June 2003).
- Wright, R. A., Regional Meeting, CATLA, "The Place of Digitization in the Library," Chicago Area Theological Library Association, Berien Springs, MI. (April 2003).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Electronic Publishing and the Academy: Goals, Problems, Challenges," Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto, Canada. (November 2002).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Translation of Cornutus’ Introduction to the Traditions of Greek Theology," Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto, Canada. (November 2002).
- Wright, R. A., Graham, M. P., Annual Meeting, ATLA, "Creation of a Digital Art Archive," American Theological Library Association, St. Paul, MN. (June 2002).
- Wright, R. A., Annual Meeting, ATLA, "Redesigning Library Orientation," American Theological Library Association, Durham, NC. (June 2001).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Ideas of Moral Progression and Regression among Greco-Roman Philosophers," Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, PA. (November 1995).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Translation of Philodemus’ On Frank Speech," Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, PA. (November 1995).
- Wright, R. A., Tri-Regional Meeting, SBL, "Paul and the Corinthian Women: Sacrifice and the Construction of Gender in Antiquity," Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, MA. (April 1995).
- Wright, R. A., Mid-Atlanta Regional Meeting, SBL, "Paul and Greco-Roman Sacrifice," Society of Biblical Literature, New York, NY. (March 1994).
- Wright, R. A., National Meeting, SBL, "Translation of Philodemus’ On Frank Speech," Society of Biblical Literature, Washington, DC. (November 1993).
- Wright, R. A., Annual Meeting, NAPS, "The Christian Critique of Greco-Roman Sacrifice," North American Patristic Society, Chicago, IL. (June 1993).
- Wright, R. A., Early Christianity and Greco-Roman World Colloquium, "The Issue of Sacrifice in Pliny's Encounter with Christians," Yale University, New Haven, CT. (March 1993).
- Wright, R. A., Syriac Studies Symposium, "The Odes of Solomon and the Man from Heaven: A Comparison of the Imagery of Two Communities," Providence, RI. (June 1991).
- Committee Chair, Academic MA Committee. (September 2019 - Present).
- Committee Member, Adjunct Committee. (September 2017 - Present).
- Committee Member, CBS Academic Council. (September 2016 - May 2019).
- Committee Member, GST 5 year strategic planning committee. (September 2016 - May 2019).
- Committee Chair, Writing Assessment for GST Admissions committee. (September 2016 - May 2017).
- Faculty Mentor, Civic Orchestra of Abilene. (August 2015 - Present).
- Editor, Journal Editor, Restoration Quarterly, Abilene, TX. (January 1, 2025 - Present).
- Committee Chair, Christian Scholars Conference. (2016 - Present).
- Board of Directors of a Company, Restoration Quarterly. (2015 - Present).
- Executive Director, Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, Irving, TX. (March 2023 - March 2026).
- Editor, Associate Editor, Restoration Quarterly. (September 1, 2016 - December 31, 2024).
- Officer, President/Elect/Past, Southwest Society of Biblical Studies. (March 1, 2023 - March 7, 2024).
- Officer, President/Elect/Past, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2022 - March 7, 2023).
- Officer, President/Elect/Past, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2021 - March 7, 2022).
- Program Organizer, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2020 - March 7, 2022).
- Officer, Vice President, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2020 - March 7, 2021).
- Program Organizer, Southwest Region, Society of Biblical Literature. (March 1, 2013 - March 7, 2016).
- Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Christian Scholarship Foundation. (February 4, 2016 - February 24, 2016).
- Committee Member, Society of Biblical Literature: Hellenistic Moral Philosophy and Early Christianity Steering Committee. (November 2006 - October 2011).
- Elder, Minter Lane Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (January 2020 - Present).
- Guest Speaker, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (January 18, 2023).
- Guest Speaker, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (July 13, 2016 - July 20, 2016).
- Guest Speaker, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (October 28, 2015 - November 11, 2015).
- Guest Speaker, Oklahoma Christian University, Lectureship, Oklahoma City, OK. (October 2013).
- Guest Speaker, Pepperdine University, Bible Lectureship, Malibu, CA. (May 2009).
Spring 2025
- BIBL 640 - ST: NT Ecclesiologies
- BIBL 640 - ST:Witness of Scripture II
- BIBL 640 - ST:Witness of Scripture II
- BIBL 661 - The Corinthian Letters
- BIBL 661 - The Corinthian Letters
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Fall 2024
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
- BIBL 640 - ST:Witness of Scripture I
- BIBL 640 - ST:Witness to Scripture I
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Summer 2024
- BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
Spring 2024
- BIBL 627 - Biblical Exegesis
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BGRK 600 - IND: Translating Mark
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Fall 2023
- BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BIBL 621 - New Testament Theology
- BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Spring 2023
- BIBL 627 - Biblical Exegesis
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
- BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BIBL 640 - ST:NT Ecclesiologies
Fall 2022
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
Summer 2022
- BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
Spring 2022
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
- BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
- BGRK 442 - Exegetical Greek Seminar II
- BLAT 621 - Intermed. Ecclesiastical Latin
Fall 2021
- BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
- BLAT 611 - Elem Ecclesiastical Latin
- BGRK 441 - Exegetical Greek Seminar I
- BIBL 600 - IND: Minor Characters of NT
Spring 2021
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
- BIBL 640 - ST: NT Ecclesiologies
- BIBL 461 - The Corinthian Letters
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Fall 2020
- BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
- BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Summer 2020
- BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
Spring 2020
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
- BIBL 461 - The Corinthian Letters
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Fall 2019
- BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
- BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
- BIBL 640 - ST:Exploring NT Literature
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Spring 2019
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
- BGRK 600 - IND: Torah in Hebrews/Christ.
- BIBD 600 - IND:Ecclesiastical Latin II
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Fall 2018
- BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
- BIBD 600 - G.S.:Ecclesiastical Latin
- BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
- BIBM 711 - Preaching & Theology
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Spring 2018
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
- BGRK 625 - Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles
- BIBD 640 - ST:Intermediate Latin
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Fall 2017
- BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians
- BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BIBM 699 - Master's Thesis
- BIBD 640 - Sp. Top:Ecclesiastical Latin
Spring 2017
- BIBL 627 - Biblical Exegesis
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
- BGRK 625 - Exeg Sem in the Epist:1Corinth
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BIBM 699 - Master's Thesis
Fall 2016
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BIBL 620 - Crit Interpretation of the NT
- BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
- BGRK 621 - Inter New Testament Greek
Spring 2016
- BIBL 620 - Adv Intro to the New Testament
- BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
- BGRK 625 - Ex Sem in Epist:Thess & Philip
- BIBD 640 - Sp. Top: Ecclesistical Latin
Fall 2015
- BIBL 630 - Biblical Theology
- BIBL 630 - Biblical Theology
- BIBL 662 - Bkgrnd: NT & Early Christians