1. Dr. John H. Boyles
    Abilene Christian University
    Associate Professor
    Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry
    Onstead-Packer Biblical Studies Building (BSB) 224
    (325) 674-4866


  1. PhD, Emory University, 2016.
    Major: New Testament
  2. MDIV, Yale Divinity School, 2010.
    Major: Master of Divinity
  3. BA, University of Florida, 2007.
    Major: Music
  4. BM, University of Florida, 2007.
    Major: Music
  5. BS, University of Florida, 2007.
    Major: Mathematics


  • Book Chapter

    1. Boyles, J. H. (2019). When the Lord’s Supper Isn’t the Lord’s: 1 Corinthians 11:17-24 in light of ancient Mediterranean associations. In Ethics in Contexts (pp. 3–18). Wipf & Stock.
  • Book Review

    1. Boyles, J. H. (2020). The Origin and Meaning of Ekklēsia in the Early Jesus Movement, by Ralph J. Korner. 2020. Review of Biblical Literature.
    2. Boyles, J. H. (2019). Revelation, by John Christopher Thomas and Frank D. Macchia. 61, 246–247. Restoration Quarterly.
    3. Boyles, J. H. (2019). Discovering Matthew: Content, interpretation, reception, by Ian Boxall. 61, 56–58. Restoration Quarterly.
    4. Boyles, J. H. (2018). The Gospel of the Lord, by Michael F. Bird. 60, 183–185. Restoration Quarterly.
  • Journal Article

    1. Boyles, J. H., & Pittman, A. J. (2021). Discerning the Body: Recentering Christian Community in the Vocational Formation of University Undergraduates. International Journal of Christianity and Education, 25(1), 44–60. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/2056997120975058
    2. Pittman, A. J., & Boyles, J. H. (2019). Challenging White Jesus: Race and the Undergraduate Bible Classroom. Religious Education, 114(3), 315–327. https://doi.org/https://doi-org.acu.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/00344087.2019.1603943
  • Magazine/Trade Publication

    1. Boyles, J. H. (2023, July 27). Misreading Scripture with Artificial Eyes. Christianity Today. Published. https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2023/july-web-only/ai-chatgpt-exegetical-tool-bible-scripture-sermon-mount.html
    2. Boyles, J. H. (2023, May 3). Reading the Sermon on the Mount with ChatGPT. The Biblical Mind. Published. https://hebraicthought.org/chatgpt-sermon-on-the-mount/
  • Other

    1. Boyles, J. H. (2017). "Kiss - Film". In Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception: Vol. 15. De Gruyter.
    2. Boyles, J. H. (2017). Joy - Visual Art, Music, Film. In Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception: Vol. 14. De Gruyter.


  1. Boyles, J. H. (Author & Presenter), Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, ""Marriage as a Status Marker in the ancient Mediterranean world: the evidence of inscriptions"," Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX. (November 2021).
  2. Pittman, A. J. (Author & Presenter), Boyles, J. H. (Author & Presenter), Kuyers Conference in Christian Education, "Who’s in the Room? Designing Student-Informed Opportunities for Spiritual Formation in Christian College Classrooms," Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI. (October 4, 2019).
  3. Pittman, A. J. (Author & Presenter), Boyles, J. H. (Author & Presenter), Macaluso, S. C. (Author & Presenter), Christian Scholars Conference, "Journeys of Faith: Spiritual Formation of First Year Students at ACU," Lipscomb University, Lubbock, TX. (June 2019).
  4. Pittman, A. J. (Author & Presenter), Boyles, J. H. (Author & Presenter), Religious Education Association Conference, "Challenging White Jesus: Race and the Undergraduate Bible Classroom," Religious Education Association, Washington, DC. (November 2018).
  5. Boyles, J. H. (Author & Presenter), Summit, "The Fluidity of Ancient Mediterranean Associations," Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX. (September 2017).
  6. Boyles, J. H., SBL SW Regional Meeting, "Allegory or Parable? The History of Matthew 22:7 as a Dating Marker for the Gospel of Matthew," Society of Biblical Literature, Dallas, TX. (March 12, 2017).


  • University

    1. Committee Member, Undergraduate Research Council. (August 2022 - Present).
    2. Committee Member, Research Council. (August 2021 - August 2023).
    3. Committee Member, Admissions/Enrollment. (August 2017 - August 2020).
    4. Committee Member, Director of OMA Search Committee. (November 2019 - February 2020).
    5. Chairperson, Admissions/Enrollment. (August 2017 - August 2019).
    6. Committee Member, LINK. (August 1, 2016 - August 2017).
    7. Committee Member, Cornerstone Focus Group. (January 1, 2017 - July 1, 2017).


  1. Committee Member, Society of Biblical Literature - Social History of Formative Judaism and Christianity Section, Atlanta, GA. (November 2016 - Present).



  • Spring 2025

    1. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    2. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    3. BIBT 379 - The Church
  • Fall 2024

    1. BIBL 460 - Galatians and Romans
    2. BIBL 211 - Message of the Old Testament
  • Fall 2023

    1. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    2. BIBL 101 - Jesus: Life & Teachings-Honors
    3. BIBL 440 - ST: Daily Life in the NT World
    4. BIBL 440 - ST:Daily Life NT World-Honors
  • Spring 2023

    1. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    2. BGRK 222 - N. T. Greek for Begin II
    3. BGRK 222 - N. T. Greek for Begin II
  • Fall 2022

    1. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    2. BIBL 101 - Jesus: Life & Teachings-Honors
    3. BGRK 221 - New Tstmnt Greek for Begin I
    4. BGRK 221 - New Tstmnt Greek for Begin I
  • Spring 2022

    1. BGRK 222 - N. T. Greek for Begin II
    2. BGRK 222 - N. T. Greek for Begin II
  • Fall 2021

    1. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    2. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    3. BGRK 221 - New Tstmnt Greek for Begin I
    4. BGRK 221 - New Tstmnt Greek for Begin I
  • Spring 2021

    1. BIBL 466 - Book of Revelation
    2. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    3. BIBL 102 - Life, Literature and Community
    4. BIBL 102 - Life, Literature and Community
  • Fall 2020

    1. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    2. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    3. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    4. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
  • Spring 2020

    1. BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
    2. BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
    3. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    4. BIBL 102 - Life, Literature and Community
    5. BIBL 102 - Life, Literature and Community
  • Fall 2019

    1. BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
    2. BGRK 331 - Elem. Greek Readings I
    3. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    4. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    5. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
  • Spring 2019

    1. BIBL 466 - Book of Revelation
    2. BGRK 332 - Elem. Greek Readings II
    3. BGRK 442 - Exegetical Greek Seminar II
    4. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    5. BIBL 458 - The Synoptic Gospels
  • Fall 2018

    1. BGRK 441 - Exegetical Greek Seminar I
    2. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    3. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
  • Spring 2018

    1. BIBL 466 - Book of Revelation
    2. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    3. BIBL 102 - Life, Lit & Community (Honors)
  • Fall 2017

    1. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    2. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    3. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
  • Spring 2017

    1. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    2. BIBL 102 - Life, Lit & Community(Honors)
    3. BIBL 102 - Life, Literature and Community
    4. BIBL 102 - Life, Literature and Community
  • Fall 2016

    1. CORE 110 - Cornerstone
    2. BIBL 320 - Intro/Biblical Interpretation
    3. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings
    4. BIBL 101 - Jesus: His Life and Teachings