- Chris Flanders
Abilene Christian University
Graduate School of Theology
Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry
Core Curriculum
Onstead-Packer Biblical Studies Building (BSB) 323
(325) 674-3742
- PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2005.
- MDIV, Abilene Christian University, 1994.
Major: Master of Divinity - MS, Abilene Christian University, 1991.
Major: Bible, Missions & Ministry - BA, Abilene Christian University, 1989.
Major: Biblical Text
- Flanders, C. L. (Ed.). (2023). Missional Life in Practice and Theory: Essays in Honor of Gailyn Van Rheenen. (C. L. Flanders, Ed.). Wipf and Stock Publishers.
- Flanders, C. L. (Ed.). (2020). Honor, Shame, and the Gospel Reframing Our Message for Twenty-First Century Ministry (C. L. Flanders, Ed.; p. 207). William Carey Press.
- Flanders, C. L. (2019). Devoted to Christ: Essays in Honor of Sherwood Lingenfelter (p. 177). Wipf and Stock Publishers.
- Flanders, C. L. (2011). About Face: Rethinking Face for 21st Century Mission (American Society of Missiology Monograph Series). Pickwick Press.
Book Chapter
- Flanders, C. L. (2020). Becoming God’s Clients: Patronage, Clientelism, and Christian Conversion in Contemporary Thailand. In Revelation and Leadership in the Kingdom of God: Studies in Honor of Ian Arthur Fair (pp. 65–89). Gorgias Press.
- Flanders, C. L. (2019). There is No Such Thing as "Honor" or "Honor Cultures"- A Missiological Reflection on Social Honor. In Devoted to Christ: Missiological Reflections in Honor of Sherwood Lingenfelter (pp. 145–165).
- Flanders, C. L. (2017). Leadership Development for Honor and Shame Contexts: An Open-Palm Leadership Approach. In Leadership Development for the 21st Century Asian Mission (pp. 258–286). East-West Center for Missions Research and Development.
- Flanders, C. L. (2015). Honor and Shame: A Review of the Process and Articles. In Beyond Literate Western Contexts: Honor & Shame and Assessment of Orality Preference (pp. 77–90). International Orality Network.
Book Review
- Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Benefaction and Patronage in Leadership: A Socio-Historical Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles. Missio Dei Journal, 14(1). https://missiodeijournal.com/issues/md-14/authors/md-14-flanders
- Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes. Missiology, 51(3), 288–289.
- Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Realities of Money & Missions: Global Challenges & Case Studies. Evangelical Missiological Quarterly, 59(3), 78.
- Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Seeking God’s Face: Practical Reflections on Honor and Shame in Scripture. Themelios, 48(3), 260–261. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/review/seeking-gods-face-practical-reflections-on-honor-and-shame-in-scripture/
- Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of The Hope of the Gospel: Theological Education and the Next Evangelicalism. Evangelical Missiological Quarterly, 59(2), 80.
- Flanders, C. L. (2022). Review of At the Blue Hole: Elegy for a Church on the Edge. Missiology: An International Review, 50(3).
- Flanders, C. L. (2022). Review of Cultural Intelligence: Living for God in a Diverse, Pluralistic World. Missio Dei Journal, 12(2). https://missiodeijournal.com/issues/md-12-2/authors/md-12-2-flanders
- Flanders, C. L. (2022). Review of World Christianity: History, Methodologies, Horizons. Missio Dei Journal, 13(1).
- Flanders, C. L. (2022). Gap and Eul: Korean Patron-Client Dynamics in Church Planting in Cambodia. Evangelical Missiological Quarterly, 58(1), 59. MissioNexus. ACU Box 29441
- Flanders, C. L. (2017). Crossroads of the Nations: Diaspora, Globalization, and Evangelism. 59(1), 1. Restoration Quarterly.
- Flanders, C. L. (2016). The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures. Published. Themelios. http://themelios.thegospelcoalition.org/
- Flanders, C. L. (2016). The Global Gospel. Published. Themelios. http://themelios.thegospelcoalition.org/
- Flanders, C. L. (2016). Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History and Issues. 44(3), 1. Missiology.
- Flanders, C. L. (published). Review of Short-Term Mission:Ethnography of Christian Travel Narrative and Experience by Brian Howell. Mission Studies.
- Flanders, C. L. (2009). Conversion growth of Protestant churches in Thailand. 45(3). Evangelical Missions Quarterly.
Journal Article
- Flanders, C. L. (2023). “About-Face Transformation: Learning to Embrace Honor, Shame, and Face.” Missiology: An International Review, 51(4), 309–320.
- Flanders, C. L. (2020). “Bringing Shame upon an Honored Missiological Paradigm: A Study of Conviction and Elenctics.” International Journal of Frontier Missiology, 37(3-4), 121–131. https://www.ijfm.org/PDFs_IJFM/37_3_4_PDFs/IJFM_37_3_4-Flanders.pdf
- Flanders, C. L. (2020). “The Arrival of Honor-Shame” (Editorial Preface). Missio Dei Journal, 11(1). https://missiodeijournal.com/issues/md-11/authors/md-11-preface
- Flanders, C. L. (2019). The Beginning of Missions Training in Churches of Christ -Part 2. 61(2), 65–76.
- Flanders, C. L. (2019). The Beginning of Missionary Training in Churches of Christ- Part 1. 61(1), 27–38.
- Flanders, C. L. (2010). "The Missionary and the Cinnamon Tree". August, 2010. http://missiodeijournal.com/article.php?issue=md-1&author=md-1-flanders-bonus
- Flanders, C. L. (2009). "Fixing the Problem of Face". 45(1).
- Flanders, C. L. (2007). "Interview with Wendell Broom". 15(3), 155–158.
- Flanders, C. L. (2008). "Face". In Global Dictionary of Theology. InterVarsity Press.
- Flanders, C. L. (2008). "Shame". In Global Dictionary of Theology. InterVarsity Press.
- Flanders, C. L. (Author & Presenter), Symposium on Contextual Issues of Honor and Shame in Spiritual Formation, "The Global Honor-Shame Conversation: Current Challenges and a Way Forward," Singapore Bible College, Singapore. (September 10, 2023).
- Flanders, C. L. (Author & Presenter), American Society of Missiology Conference Annual Meeting, "“Conversion to Honor: How I Came to Embrace Honor, Face, and Shame.”," American Society of Missiology, St. Mary’s College, South Bend, IN. (July 19, 2022).
- Flanders, C. L., Evangelical Missiological Society South Central Regional Annual Meeting, ""The Past, Present, and Future of the Honor-Shame Model in Evangelical Missiology," Evangelical Missiological Society, Dallas, TX. (March 31, 2020).
- Flanders, C. L. (Author & Presenter), International Symposium on Patronage, "Becoming God’s Clients- Christian Conversion in Thailand," Honor-Shame Network and Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Beirut, Lebanon. (October 4, 2018).
- Flanders, C. L., Evangelical Missiological Society South Central Regional Meeting, "Conviction and Elenctics: Bringing Shame upon a Honored Missiological Paradigm," EMS, Dallas, Texas. (April 7, 2018).
- Flanders, C. L., International Conference on Missions, "Honor and Shame: So, What's the Big Deal?," Christian Churches, Peorio, Illinois. (November 17, 2017).
- Flanders, C. L., PCUSA Global Missions Conference, "“Honor, Shame, & Partnership”," Asia Minor Partnership, Dallas, Texas. (November 10, 2017).
- Flanders, C. L., Christian Scholars Conference, "The first Church of Christ Missions Training Program: George A. Klingman and W. W. Freeman at Abilene Christian College-1918-1924," CSC, Nashville. (June 6, 2017).
- Flanders, C. L., ISI Regional Equipping Workshop, "The 3D Gospel: Honor and Shame," International Students, Inc., Irving, Texas. (May 6, 2017).
- Flanders, C. L., "The first Church of Christ Missions Training Program: George A. Klingman and W. W. Freeman at Abilene Christian College-1918-1924," Adams Center, ACU. (February 15, 2017).
- Flanders, C. L., Elderlink Dallas, "Pulling Teeth and Cracking a Durian: How to Foster a Healthy Missional Culture and Missions Committee," Siburt Institute, Abilene Christian University, Highland Oaks Church of Christ. (November 16, 2016).
- Flanders, C. L., Altamesa CoC Missions Event, "The "Strong" Thing God is Doing Today," Altamesa Church of Christ, Ft. Worth, Texas. (September 24, 2016).
- Flanders, C. L., UCC Summer Series, "Missions Since 1800," University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (June 29, 2016).
- Flanders, C. L., Asian Society of Missiology Annual Conference, "Leadership Development in Honor/Shame Contexts: An Open-Palm Leadership Approach," Asian Society of Missiology, Bangkok, Thailand. (July 7, 2015).
- Flanders, C. (Presenter), ACU Alumni Event, "Missional is Dead: Long Live Missional!," Siburt Institute, Austin, Tx. (March 19, 2015).
- Flanders, C. L., International Orality Network: Mini-Global Consultation, "A Response to Evans, Georges, Mischke, Thornton and Wu," ION, Houston Baptist University. (July 8, 2014).
- Flanders, C. L., ElderLink, "“Missional Lessons from Hebrew Slaves”," Portland, Oregon. (October 2008).
- Flanders, C. L., Global Missions Conference, ""Crossing Cultures," "How Do We Join God in His Work?," and “John 17-Missional Implications of the Honor of God”," Arlington, Texas. (July 2008).
- Flanders, C. L., Teachers of Missions Workshop, "“A Model of Missional Curriculum”," Hurst, Texas. (February 22, 2008).
- Committee Member, CBS Academic Council. (September 1, 2012 - Present).
- Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Research Festival. (March 28, 2015 - Present).
- Committee Member, Athletics Committee. (August 21, 2017 - May 6, 2020).
- Committee Chair, Faculty Renewal Leave Committee. (August 21, 2018 - December 6, 2019).
- Committee Member, Faculty Renewal Leave Committee. (August 15, 2017 - December 5, 2017).
- Committee Member, Athletics Committee. (September 1, 2010 - May 10, 2013).
- Board of Directors of a Company, Missio Dei Foundation. (July 1, 2014 - Present).
- Editor, Journal Editor, Missio Dei Journal. (January 1, 2014 - Present).
- Program Organizer, Teachers of Mission Workshop, Dallas, TX. (March 31, 2020).
- Program Organizer, The Honor-Shame Network, Chicago, IL. (April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020).
- Workshop Organizer, Christian Scholars Conference, Nashville, TN. (2016 - 2017).
- Committee Member, Honor-Shame Network. (2016 - 2017).
- Editorial Committee Member, World Bible Translation Center, Ft. Worth, Texas. (1999 - 2002).
- Baseball Coach, Abilene South Junior Baseball League, Abilene, TX. (March 1, 2014 - June 8, 2014).
- Missionary/Church Planter, Asian Christian Mission, Chiang Mai. (1995 - 2002).
Spring 2025
- BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
Fall 2024
- BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
- CORE 110 - Cornerstone
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- HON 411 - HCOL: Tastes of Thailand
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
- BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
Summer 2024
- BIBM 706 - Christian Leadership Develop
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
Spring 2024
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BIBM 240 - ST: Church Lab
- BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
- BMIS 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Fall 2023
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
Spring 2023
- BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
- BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BIBM 240 - ST: Church Lab
- BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
Fall 2022
- BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
Summer 2022
- BIBM 706 - Christian Leadership Develop
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
Spring 2022
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
Fall 2021
- CORE 110 - Cornerstone
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
- BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2021
- BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
Spring 2021
- BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
- BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
Fall 2020
- BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
- CORE 110 - Cornerstone
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2020
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
Spring 2020
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
Fall 2019
- BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
- CORE 110 - Cornerstone
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2019
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
Spring 2019
- BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
- BIBM 600 - IND.:Supervised Min & Mentor.
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
Fall 2018
- CORE 110 - Cornerstone
- BMIS 400 - G.S:Religion in German Culture
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
- HON 417 - HCol: Short-Term Missions
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2018
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
Spring 2018
- BMIS 600 - G.S.:Wrld Christ./Cont Culture
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
Fall 2017
- BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
- BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
- HON 413 - HCol: Honor, Face & Shame
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2017
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
Spring 2017
- BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
- BMIS 600 - G.S.:Read. in Lat. Amer. Theol
- BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
Fall 2016
- BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
Summer 2016
- BMIS 600 - G.S.: Global Service Research
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
Spring 2016
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BIBM 640 - Sp.Top: MDiv Capstone
- BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
Fall 2015
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2015
- BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
Spring 2015
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BIBM 740 - ST Immersion Cltr Cntxt Commty
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
Fall 2014
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2014
- BMIS 600 - GS:Stone Campbell Missions His
Spring 2014
- BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
- BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
Fall 2013
- BMIS 647 - Readings in Contextual Theo.
- BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Spring 2013
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Fall 2012
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
- BMIS 245 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
Spring 2012
- BMIS 600 - GS:Mexican Imagrants Spiritual
- BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
- BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
Fall 2011
- BMIS 647 - Ethnotheology
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Spring 2011
- HCOL 431 - Honors Colloquium
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
- BMIS 697 - Worldview and Worldview Change
Fall 2010
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top: Read/Engage Cont Cultu
- BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
Summer 2010
- BMIS 699 - Master's Thesis
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:Emerging Churches/Cultu
- NCMI 640 - Special Topics
Spring 2010
- BMIS 646 - Foundations of Missiology
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
- GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
- BMIS 371 - World Religions
Fall 2009
- BMIS 647 - Ethnotheology
- BMIS 699 - Master's Thesis
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top: Church, Min, Cont Cult
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Summer 2009
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
Spring 2009
- AUD 01B - Bib:
- AUD 01B - Bib:
- BIBM 391 - Intro to Ministry & Missions
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
- BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
Fall 2008
- BMIS 646 - Foundations of Missiology
- BMIS 400 - G.S.:Worldview Change
- BIBM 491 - Senior Capstone Experience
- BMIS 697 - Worldview and Worldview Change
Summer 2008
- AUD 01B - Bib:
- BMIS 673 - History of Missions
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
- NCMI 640 - Special Topics
Spring 2008
- BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
- BMIS 420 - Teaching Good News
- BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
- BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
Fall 2007
- BIBL 211 - Message of the Old Testament
- BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:Rdg & Engaging Cultures
- BMIS 420 - Teaching Good News