1. Chris Flanders
    Abilene Christian University
    Graduate School of Theology
    Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry
    Core Curriculum
    Onstead-Packer Biblical Studies Building (BSB) 323
    (325) 674-3742


  1. PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2005.
  2. MDIV, Abilene Christian University, 1994.
    Major: Master of Divinity
  3. MS, Abilene Christian University, 1991.
    Major: Bible, Missions & Ministry
  4. BA, Abilene Christian University, 1989.
    Major: Biblical Text


  • Book

    1. Flanders, C. L. (Ed.). (2023). Missional Life in Practice and Theory: Essays in Honor of Gailyn Van Rheenen. (C. L. Flanders, Ed.). Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    2. Flanders, C. L. (Ed.). (2020). Honor, Shame, and the Gospel Reframing Our Message for Twenty-First Century Ministry (C. L. Flanders, Ed.; p. 207). William Carey Press.
    3. Flanders, C. L. (2019). Devoted to Christ: Essays in Honor of Sherwood Lingenfelter (p. 177). Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    4. Flanders, C. L. (2011). About Face: Rethinking Face for 21st Century Mission (American Society of Missiology Monograph Series). Pickwick Press.
  • Book Chapter

    1. Flanders, C. L. (2020). Becoming God’s Clients: Patronage, Clientelism, and Christian Conversion in Contemporary Thailand. In Revelation and Leadership in the Kingdom of God: Studies in Honor of Ian Arthur Fair (pp. 65–89). Gorgias Press.
    2. Flanders, C. L. (2019). There is No Such Thing as "Honor" or "Honor Cultures"- A Missiological Reflection on Social Honor. In Devoted to Christ: Missiological Reflections in Honor of Sherwood Lingenfelter (pp. 145–165).
    3. Flanders, C. L. (2017). Leadership Development for Honor and Shame Contexts: An Open-Palm Leadership Approach. In Leadership Development for the 21st Century Asian Mission (pp. 258–286). East-West Center for Missions Research and Development.
    4. Flanders, C. L. (2015). Honor and Shame: A Review of the Process and Articles. In Beyond Literate Western Contexts: Honor & Shame and Assessment of Orality Preference (pp. 77–90). International Orality Network.
  • Book Review

    1. Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Benefaction and Patronage in Leadership: A Socio-Historical Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles. Missio Dei Journal, 14(1). https://missiodeijournal.com/issues/md-14/authors/md-14-flanders
    2. Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes. Missiology, 51(3), 288–289.
    3. Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Realities of Money & Missions: Global Challenges & Case Studies. Evangelical Missiological Quarterly, 59(3), 78.
    4. Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of Seeking God’s Face: Practical Reflections on Honor and Shame in Scripture. Themelios, 48(3), 260–261. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/review/seeking-gods-face-practical-reflections-on-honor-and-shame-in-scripture/
    5. Flanders, C. L. (2023). Review of The Hope of the Gospel: Theological Education and the Next Evangelicalism. Evangelical Missiological Quarterly, 59(2), 80.
    6. Flanders, C. L. (2022). Review of At the Blue Hole: Elegy for a Church on the Edge. Missiology: An International Review, 50(3).
    7. Flanders, C. L. (2022). Review of Cultural Intelligence: Living for God in a Diverse, Pluralistic World. Missio Dei Journal, 12(2). https://missiodeijournal.com/issues/md-12-2/authors/md-12-2-flanders
    8. Flanders, C. L. (2022). Review of World Christianity: History, Methodologies, Horizons. Missio Dei Journal, 13(1).
    9. Flanders, C. L. (2022). Gap and Eul: Korean Patron-Client Dynamics in Church Planting in Cambodia. Evangelical Missiological Quarterly, 58(1), 59. MissioNexus. ACU Box 29441
    10. Flanders, C. L. (2017). Crossroads of the Nations: Diaspora, Globalization, and Evangelism. 59(1), 1. Restoration Quarterly.
    11. Flanders, C. L. (2016). The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures. Published. Themelios. http://themelios.thegospelcoalition.org/
    12. Flanders, C. L. (2016). The Global Gospel. Published. Themelios. http://themelios.thegospelcoalition.org/
    13. Flanders, C. L. (2016). Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History and Issues. 44(3), 1. Missiology.
    14. Flanders, C. L. (published). Review of Short-Term Mission:Ethnography of Christian Travel Narrative and Experience by Brian Howell. Mission Studies.
    15. Flanders, C. L. (2009). Conversion growth of Protestant churches in Thailand. 45(3). Evangelical Missions Quarterly.
  • Journal Article

    1. Flanders, C. L. (2023). “About-Face Transformation: Learning to Embrace Honor, Shame, and Face.” Missiology: An International Review, 51(4), 309–320.
    2. Flanders, C. L. (2020). “Bringing Shame upon an Honored Missiological Paradigm: A Study of Conviction and Elenctics.” International Journal of Frontier Missiology, 37(3-4), 121–131. https://www.ijfm.org/PDFs_IJFM/37_3_4_PDFs/IJFM_37_3_4-Flanders.pdf
    3. Flanders, C. L. (2020). “The Arrival of Honor-Shame” (Editorial Preface). Missio Dei Journal, 11(1). https://missiodeijournal.com/issues/md-11/authors/md-11-preface
    4. Flanders, C. L. (2019). The Beginning of Missions Training in Churches of Christ -Part 2. 61(2), 65–76.
    5. Flanders, C. L. (2019). The Beginning of Missionary Training in Churches of Christ- Part 1. 61(1), 27–38.
    6. Flanders, C. L. (2010). "The Missionary and the Cinnamon Tree". August, 2010. http://missiodeijournal.com/article.php?issue=md-1&author=md-1-flanders-bonus
    7. Flanders, C. L. (2009). "Fixing the Problem of Face". 45(1).
    8. Flanders, C. L. (2007). "Interview with Wendell Broom". 15(3), 155–158.
  • Other

    1. Flanders, C. L. (2008). "Face". In Global Dictionary of Theology. InterVarsity Press.
    2. Flanders, C. L. (2008). "Shame". In Global Dictionary of Theology. InterVarsity Press.


  1. Flanders, C. L. (Author & Presenter), Symposium on Contextual Issues of Honor and Shame in Spiritual Formation, "The Global Honor-Shame Conversation: Current Challenges and a Way Forward," Singapore Bible College, Singapore. (September 10, 2023).
  2. Flanders, C. L. (Author & Presenter), American Society of Missiology Conference Annual Meeting, "“Conversion to Honor: How I Came to Embrace Honor, Face, and Shame.”," American Society of Missiology, St. Mary’s College, South Bend, IN. (July 19, 2022).
  3. Flanders, C. L., Evangelical Missiological Society South Central Regional Annual Meeting, ""The Past, Present, and Future of the Honor-Shame Model in Evangelical Missiology," Evangelical Missiological Society, Dallas, TX. (March 31, 2020).
  4. Flanders, C. L. (Author & Presenter), International Symposium on Patronage, "Becoming God’s Clients- Christian Conversion in Thailand," Honor-Shame Network and Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Beirut, Lebanon. (October 4, 2018).
  5. Flanders, C. L., Evangelical Missiological Society South Central Regional Meeting, "Conviction and Elenctics: Bringing Shame upon a Honored Missiological Paradigm," EMS, Dallas, Texas. (April 7, 2018).
  6. Flanders, C. L., International Conference on Missions, "Honor and Shame: So, What's the Big Deal?," Christian Churches, Peorio, Illinois. (November 17, 2017).
  7. Flanders, C. L., PCUSA Global Missions Conference, "“Honor, Shame, & Partnership”," Asia Minor Partnership, Dallas, Texas. (November 10, 2017).
  8. Flanders, C. L., Christian Scholars Conference, "The first Church of Christ Missions Training Program: George A. Klingman and W. W. Freeman at Abilene Christian College-1918-1924," CSC, Nashville. (June 6, 2017).
  9. Flanders, C. L., ISI Regional Equipping Workshop, "The 3D Gospel: Honor and Shame," International Students, Inc., Irving, Texas. (May 6, 2017).
  10. Flanders, C. L., "The first Church of Christ Missions Training Program: George A. Klingman and W. W. Freeman at Abilene Christian College-1918-1924," Adams Center, ACU. (February 15, 2017).
  11. Flanders, C. L., Elderlink Dallas, "Pulling Teeth and Cracking a Durian: How to Foster a Healthy Missional Culture and Missions Committee," Siburt Institute, Abilene Christian University, Highland Oaks Church of Christ. (November 16, 2016).
  12. Flanders, C. L., Altamesa CoC Missions Event, "The "Strong" Thing God is Doing Today," Altamesa Church of Christ, Ft. Worth, Texas. (September 24, 2016).
  13. Flanders, C. L., UCC Summer Series, "Missions Since 1800," University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX. (June 29, 2016).
  14. Flanders, C. L., Asian Society of Missiology Annual Conference, "Leadership Development in Honor/Shame Contexts: An Open-Palm Leadership Approach," Asian Society of Missiology, Bangkok, Thailand. (July 7, 2015).
  15. Flanders, C. (Presenter), ACU Alumni Event, "Missional is Dead: Long Live Missional!," Siburt Institute, Austin, Tx. (March 19, 2015).
  16. Flanders, C. L., International Orality Network: Mini-Global Consultation, "A Response to Evans, Georges, Mischke, Thornton and Wu," ION, Houston Baptist University. (July 8, 2014).
  17. Flanders, C. L., ElderLink, "“Missional Lessons from Hebrew Slaves”," Portland, Oregon. (October 2008).
  18. Flanders, C. L., Global Missions Conference, ""Crossing Cultures," "How Do We Join God in His Work?," and “John 17-Missional Implications of the Honor of God”," Arlington, Texas. (July 2008).
  19. Flanders, C. L., Teachers of Missions Workshop, "“A Model of Missional Curriculum”," Hurst, Texas. (February 22, 2008).


  • College

    1. Committee Member, CBS Academic Council. (September 1, 2012 - Present).
  • University

    1. Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Research Festival. (March 28, 2015 - Present).
    2. Committee Member, Athletics Committee. (August 21, 2017 - May 6, 2020).
    3. Committee Chair, Faculty Renewal Leave Committee. (August 21, 2018 - December 6, 2019).
    4. Committee Member, Faculty Renewal Leave Committee. (August 15, 2017 - December 5, 2017).
    5. Committee Member, Athletics Committee. (September 1, 2010 - May 10, 2013).


  1. Board of Directors of a Company, Missio Dei Foundation. (July 1, 2014 - Present).
  2. Editor, Journal Editor, Missio Dei Journal. (January 1, 2014 - Present).
  3. Program Organizer, Teachers of Mission Workshop, Dallas, TX. (March 31, 2020).
  4. Program Organizer, The Honor-Shame Network, Chicago, IL. (April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020).
  5. Workshop Organizer, Christian Scholars Conference, Nashville, TN. (2016 - 2017).
  6. Committee Member, Honor-Shame Network. (2016 - 2017).
  7. Editorial Committee Member, World Bible Translation Center, Ft. Worth, Texas. (1999 - 2002).


  1. Baseball Coach, Abilene South Junior Baseball League, Abilene, TX. (March 1, 2014 - June 8, 2014).
  2. Missionary/Church Planter, Asian Christian Mission, Chiang Mai. (1995 - 2002).


  • Spring 2025

    1. BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
  • Fall 2024

    1. BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
    2. CORE 110 - Cornerstone
    3. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    4. HON 411 - HCOL: Tastes of Thailand
    5. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
    6. BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
  • Summer 2024

    1. BIBM 706 - Christian Leadership Develop
    2. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    3. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
    4. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
  • Spring 2024

    1. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    2. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    3. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    4. BIBM 240 - ST: Church Lab
    5. BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
    6. BMIS 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Fall 2023

    1. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
  • Spring 2023

    1. BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
    2. BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
    3. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    4. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    5. BIBM 240 - ST: Church Lab
    6. BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
  • Fall 2022

    1. BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
    2. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    3. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2022

    1. BIBM 706 - Christian Leadership Develop
    2. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
    3. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
  • Spring 2022

    1. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    2. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    3. BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
  • Fall 2021

    1. CORE 110 - Cornerstone
    2. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    3. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
    4. BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
    5. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2021

    1. BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
  • Spring 2021

    1. BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
    2. BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
    3. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    4. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    5. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    6. BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
  • Fall 2020

    1. BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
    2. CORE 110 - Cornerstone
    3. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    4. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    5. BMIS 345 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
    6. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2020

    1. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
    2. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
  • Spring 2020

    1. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    2. BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
    3. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
  • Fall 2019

    1. BMIS 619 - Church and Mission
    2. CORE 110 - Cornerstone
    3. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    4. BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
    5. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    6. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2019

    1. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
    2. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
  • Spring 2019

    1. BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
    2. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    3. BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
    4. BIBM 600 - IND.:Supervised Min & Mentor.
    5. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    6. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
  • Fall 2018

    1. CORE 110 - Cornerstone
    2. BMIS 400 - G.S:Religion in German Culture
    3. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    4. BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
    5. HON 417 - HCol: Short-Term Missions
    6. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    7. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2018

    1. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
  • Spring 2018

    1. BMIS 600 - G.S.:Wrld Christ./Cont Culture
    2. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    3. BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
    4. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
  • Fall 2017

    1. BMIS 420 - Gospel in Multicultural World
    2. BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
    3. HON 413 - HCol: Honor, Face & Shame
    4. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    5. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2017

    1. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
    2. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
  • Spring 2017

    1. BIBM 733 - Culture, Context, & Community
    2. BMIS 600 - G.S.:Read. in Lat. Amer. Theol
    3. BIBM 678 - GST Senior Portfolio Prep
    4. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    5. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
  • Fall 2016

    1. BIBM 799 - DMin Project/Thesis
  • Summer 2016

    1. BMIS 600 - G.S.: Global Service Research
    2. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
  • Spring 2016

    1. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    2. BIBM 640 - Sp.Top: MDiv Capstone
    3. BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
  • Fall 2015

    1. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    2. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2015

    1. BMIS 649 - Read/Engage Contemp Cultures
  • Spring 2015

    1. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    2. BIBM 740 - ST Immersion Cltr Cntxt Commty
    3. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
  • Fall 2014

    1. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    2. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2014

    1. BMIS 600 - GS:Stone Campbell Missions His
  • Spring 2014

    1. BMIS 650 - Leadership in Inter. Contexts
    2. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
    3. BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
  • Fall 2013

    1. BMIS 647 - Readings in Contextual Theo.
    2. BMIS 371 - Religion in Global Contexts
    3. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Spring 2013

    1. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
    2. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
    3. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Fall 2012

    1. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
    2. BMIS 245 - Und. Culture for Global Ser.
  • Spring 2012

    1. BMIS 600 - GS:Mexican Imagrants Spiritual
    2. BIBL 699 - Master's Thesis
    3. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
    4. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
    5. BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
  • Fall 2011

    1. BMIS 647 - Ethnotheology
    2. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
    3. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Spring 2011

    1. HCOL 431 - Honors Colloquium
    2. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
    3. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
    4. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
    5. BMIS 697 - Worldview and Worldview Change
  • Fall 2010

    1. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top: Read/Engage Cont Cultu
    2. BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
    3. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
  • Summer 2010

    1. BMIS 699 - Master's Thesis
    2. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:Emerging Churches/Cultu
    3. NCMI 640 - Special Topics
  • Spring 2010

    1. BMIS 646 - Foundations of Missiology
    2. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
    3. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
    4. GRAD 695 - Thesis Continuation
    5. BMIS 371 - World Religions
  • Fall 2009

    1. BMIS 647 - Ethnotheology
    2. BMIS 699 - Master's Thesis
    3. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top: Church, Min, Cont Cult
    4. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Summer 2009

    1. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
  • Spring 2009

    1. AUD 01B - Bib:
    2. AUD 01B - Bib:
    3. BIBM 391 - Intro to Ministry & Missions
    4. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
    5. BMIS 675 - Theology of Mission
  • Fall 2008

    1. BMIS 646 - Foundations of Missiology
    2. BMIS 400 - G.S.:Worldview Change
    3. BIBM 491 - Senior Capstone Experience
    4. BMIS 697 - Worldview and Worldview Change
  • Summer 2008

    1. AUD 01B - Bib:
    2. BMIS 673 - History of Missions
    3. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:
    4. NCMI 640 - Special Topics
  • Spring 2008

    1. BMIS 671 - Supervisd Research in Missions
    2. BMIS 420 - Teaching Good News
    3. BIBM 679 - Theological Reflection in Prac
    4. BIBM 616 - Witness in Global Contexts
  • Fall 2007

    1. BIBL 211 - Message of the Old Testament
    2. BMIS 640 - Sp.Top:Rdg & Engaging Cultures
    3. BMIS 420 - Teaching Good News