Great Dining
Our city has more than 100 restaurants and dining options, ranging from local flavors of BBQ and Mexican cuisine to boutique cafes and Thai food trucks. Eating in Abilene can taste like a culinary adventure or the comforting aromas of home—or both, if you’re hungry enough!
Whatever your speed—browsing antiques, exploring historic downtown shops, or buying up the basics from shopping centers and malls—Abilene has plenty of shopping opportunities to satisfy your curiosity and introduce you to new trends.
Things to Do
What can you do in Abilene? As the Storybook Capital of America and host of the Western Heritage Classic rodeo, we’re more tempted to ask: What can’t you do here? Abilene is home to museums of contemporary art, children’s literature and Texas history; we have theatres, orchestras and live music events; we spend weekends at parks and zoos. In Abilene, opportunities for adventure are all around us—you’ll soon see them for yourself.
Learn More About Abilene
As you prepare for life in Abilene, ACU can direct you to local resources for solving your practical questions about visiting, working and living here in western Texas.
Plan Your Visit
When you join us for a campus tour or visit someone you know at ACU, you may want to peek at what else is going on in Abilene—along with finding your lodging and directions for your stay.