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On-Campus Confidential Support

The Medical and Counseling Care Center (MACCC) is located at the northwest entrance of the Royce & Pam Money Student Recreation and Wellness Center, next door to the Teague Special Events Center. Both medical and counseling services are available.

The two ACU Campus Ministers, whose offices are located in the lower level of the McGlothlin Campus Center.

Off-Campus Confidential Support

Regional Victims Crisis Center
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 325-677-7895

Hendrick Medical Center / SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Program
Go to the Emergency Room at Hendrick Medical Center (1900 Pine Street, 325-670-2151) and ask to see a nurse.

Noah Project
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 325-676-7107

Helpful Links

Title IX Brochure (PDF)
Title IX Process (PDF)
University Training Repository