- Start with the ACU Thesis Template for your discipline/style! Download the template, and simply type (or copy and paste) your text into the document. Note that using these templates in Google Docs will mess up the formatting.
- Consult the style manual utilized by your department and the ACU Thesis Guide.
- See the style Quick Guides below, as they cover some of the most frequent questions from each style.
- Use the Formatting Checklist to make sure you have all formatting correct before submitting your thesis to the Thesis Coordinator.
The semester before you enroll in thesis hours, fill out the following form:
Please note that submission of this form will register you for thesis hours.
During your first semester of thesis hours:
During your second semester of thesis hours/for your defense:
When you publish:
Formatting Tutorials – Here are some helpful resources regarding common formatting questions.
Video Tutorials – This youtube channel was created by our thesis coordinator to provide visual assistance for thesis formatting.
Thesis Timeline
Prior to Semester 1:
- Submit thesis committee announcement form. Deadline: Last day of class.
Semester 1:
- Write prospectus.
- Thesis committee reviews prospectus by first week of November.
- Request IRB approval prior to collecting data if research involves human or animal subjects. This request should be submitted immediately following thesis committee approval of prospectus.
- Approved prospectus signature page due to the Office of Graduate Programs. IRB approval letter must be included.
Deadline: Last day of class.
Semester 2:
- Collect data and write thesis.
- Defend thesis AT LEAST 6 weeks prior to the end of the semester. Deadline: 6 weeks before graduation.
- Report results of defense to the Office of Graduate Programs as soon as possible after defense.
Deadline: as soon as possible but 1 week after defense at the latest.
- Revise thesis per committee recommendations in conjunction with thesis advisor.
- Submit thesis for reader review.
Deadline: Five weeks before graduation.
- Revise thesis per reader review recommendation in conjunction with thesis advisor.
- Submit thesis for final mechanical review.
Deadline: Four weeks before graduation.
- Revise thesis per mechanical review recommendations in conjunction with thesis advisor.
- Submit final copy of thesis to the Digital Commons and fill out associated forms.
Deadline: Last day of class.
(If final copy of thesis is not submitted, student will automatically be enrolled in thesis continuation hours for the next long semester.)