325-674-2728 honors@acu.edu

Greater Possibilities
Broader Horizons


The Honors College is a community that helps you find the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep need. We provide exclusive opportunities for talented students to become difference makers in the world.



Exclusive Experiences

What is Honors?

The Honors College seeks to provide high achieving students from every major with the opportunity to go deeper in their studies and have richer experiences by gaining access to the best academic and learning opportunities.

Perks of the ACU
Honors College

Freshman Living Learning Community

Honors courses

Global Internships

Exclusive Grant Opportunities

Office of Major Scholarships

Priority Registration

Oxford Great Texts Study Abroad

Honors Colloquia

Mentored Research

Global Internships

Unique Program Track Designations 

Special Events and Programming


Apply Today

Wessel Hall

Living and Learning Community

Our Honors Living Learning Community in Wessel Hall is an intentional community of belonging, a place to build deep and rich connections for freshmen students.  Residents will learn from each other, have fun and serve together, encourage one another’s academic success, and deepen their understanding of themselves and the world they inhabit.  Our desire is for Wessel Hall to be a place of holistic integration of head, heart and soul, a place to begin crafting a purposeful life.

Learn More ABOUT WESSEL Hall

Reach Beyond the Classroom

A Broader Education awaits with the ACU Honors College

Study Abroad

Global Internships

Travel Grants


Four Tracks,
Endless Possibilities.

DeSign Thinking & Innovation

Gain the tools and knowledge to become an innovative problem solver by learning the principles of design thinking, no matter what your major is.

Global service & leadership

See the world and face its challenges from an international perspective while growing  through travel, research, and study. 

Social & Environmental justice

Learn the skills from multiple fields to help bring about social change and sustainable environmental solutions.

Scholarship & research

Delve into topics of your own interest more deeply to gain new insights, develop new perspectives, and make new discoveries.

Still have questions?
Contact us.

Whether you’re curious about our programs, admission requirements, or any other aspects of our academic community, we are here to assist you.

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Let someone from our team help you find answers to your questions.

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Expand Your Horizons with ACU HONORS

Honors College

Historic Zellner Hall
790 Campus Ct.
ACU Box 29142
Abilene, Texas 79699

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Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more info.


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