
The Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) was established to contribute to the social, academic, and professional formation of graduate students. ACU offers 25 graduate degree programs in a variety of departments. The GSA brings together students from all departments to create and enhance community.

The GSA receives funds from the University for graduate professional activities and the GSA strives to use these funds to benefit graduate students. Since it is our goal to further the professional formation of graduate students, the GSA offers travel stipends for students to attend professional meetings and conferences.

At ACU, graduate students are given the opportunity to both attend and participate in Graduate Chapel. This event is held every Wednesday in Chapel on the Hill on ACU's campus. It is here where students from various departments get to be in a setting where they can worship God together.

Once a month, the GSA offers a free pizza luncheon in the Library Atrium. Through this program, students come together to take a break from the rigors of graduate study and share a meal with people from various departments.

Contact GSA
To contact the Graduate Students Association, send us an email at gsa@acu.edu.
Title Name  
President Koby Dudley - Speech-Language Pathology
Vice President Annette Roberts - Athletic Training
Secretary Jessica Roff - Speech-Language Pathology   
Treasurer Bailey Baker - Occupational Therapy
Staff Advisor Michelle McMillan